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Fuankem Lekanyi Memorial Medical Center (FLMMC)


Updated: May 25, 2022

The people of Atoabechied a small village in Cameroon have very little access to healthcare. The closest medical facility is hours away from the village and urgent situations can quickly become life threatning. To help with this, Dr. Fokem who's ancestors are from this village has organized several medical trips to provide treatments free of charge to the people in the village. While they have helped many, Dr. Fonkem has found that many return with same conditions or even worse for not having received care in between the medical trips.

For this reason, Dr. Fonkem needs your help to build a clinic which will provide continuous healthcare for the villagers. The clinic is called Fuankem Lekanyi Memorial Medical Center (FLMMC) and will be built directly in the village. It will make it easier for anyone in the village to seek care in a sustainable way without the need to pay extra for transportation to neighboring cities. Below are pictures of the clinic under construction:

The people of Atoabechied a small village in Cameroon have very little access to healthcare...



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